Our Mission
Setting the new standard for beauty
There’s a mass of plastic waste in the sea that’s so big you can see it from space.
The consequences of plastic pollution are hugely detrimental, not just to fish and marine life, but also to ourselves. Even the water we drink is likely contaminated by plastics, which contain harmful chemicals.
You want beauty products that are environmentally friendly with clean ingredients and beautiful designs. Here’s how your beauty regime can have it all.
The Beauty Kollective is an online beauty destination, focusing on clean beauty and minimal waste products.
What is clean beauty?
Clean means safer ingredients backed by a standard that ensures thoughtful evaluation and an emphasis on natural materials.
Clean beauty isn’t about being 100% perfect. This means that yes, man-made ingredients are clean as long as they’re safe and non-toxic. This also means that clean beauty doesn’t have to be all-natural, preservative-free etc. Clean beauty is synonymous with non-toxic beauty.
It’s also about making ourselves more aware. Because the beauty industry lacks regulation, it’s up to us to become familiar with the most common toxins in our skincare, beauty, body, and hygiene products.
What is minimal waste?
It’s a set of processes and practices intended to reduce the amount of waste.
It supports efforts to promote a more sustainable society.
It involves redesigning products and processes and changing societal patterns of consumption and production.

Here's the perfect example of packaging done right.
If this is what the future of beauty packaging looks like, then we are here for it. With the sleekest metal compacts, you can keep refilling until your cheeks are content! This brand also offers refills for their other star products, including a foundation and eye shadow.
The Beauty Kollective focuses on products that can reduce waste in the beauty industry. We are offering a wide selection of sustainable beauty products, biodegradable glitter, eco friendly tools and makeup refill options.
Ready to make a positive impact on the environment? Cut out the wipes, ditch the cotton buds, recycle as much as possible and invest in eco-friendly beauty brands. So next time you unwrap your latest beauty product spare a thought for our oceans and remember, if you can’t reuse it, refuse it.